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    Dodam Team posted in the group 필리핀 Philippines

    2 months, 1 week ago

    필리핀 윤필원 선교사님으로부터 온 소식입니다.

    장학생 대표 Michiko의 감사인사영상과 내용입니다.

    Hello, I am Michiko Mae Cantor, and I speak on behalf of me and my siblings, Isaiah, Nehemiah, and Kazumi Cantor. We would like to give you our, thanks and the gratitude that you deserve because you really helped us throughout our academic life. Not just academic life, but when it comes to, the bill payments in our house, helping our mom, because our mom is not working. She’s a full time pastor.

    So you really guys really saved us when it comes to financial assistance. And I would like to say thank you very much for helping me throughout my my college life because ever since 2021 up to here, 2024, and so on and so forth, you helped me to go where I am right now. Because currently right now, I am in my 4th year college. Yay. And I’m almost there.

    And because of your help, you guys really deserve the biggest thanks of all because you helped me pay my thesis bills. You helped me pay my academic expenses. Not just me, but also my siblings, they are able to, like, go and participate in their school activities that requires payments. And not just by by schools, you help us pay the bills, our house bills, and especially when my dad died. It really helped us because without a father its hard because father is always the ones that provides for you.

    And now that he’s gone, he can’t do that because he’s gone. And you guys saved us because of your assistance, because of your financial assistance. And that’s why I’m very grateful. We are very grateful, and I apologize because my siblings are not here right now because they are at school. And, yeah, I I really am thankful for you guys for helping us throughout this years, throughout the years of ever since I got the DODAM sponsorship.

    I’m really am thankful. And, yeah, that’s all. Thank you very much, and I hope, God will bless you and your whole life and whoever runs Sodom and whoever is inside Dodam. May God bless all of you. Thank you.

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Dodam Team
